About HZDR The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) belongs to the Helmholtz Association, Germany’s largest research organization. It houses ten research institutes as well as large-scale facilities. Students joining the summer program will have the opportunity to learn about scientific work in the fields of
- physics
- chemistry
- biology/medicine
- computer science
- geoscience
- engineering
Projects and lectures Summer students will work on individual projects submitted by HZDR research groups. Once applications are received and participants are selected, a matching process is conducted. The work in the research groups is complemented by a series of lectures designed to provide an insight into the research in the various areas of the HZDR.
Financial support HZDR provides summer students with free accommodation, a stipend to cover daily living expenses, insurance (health, accident, third-part-liability) and local bus tickets.
Who can apply?
Master´ s / Diploma or advanced undergraduate students in physics, life sciences, engineering or related areas.
How to apply?
For more information on the application process, please visit our website: www.hzdr.de/summer
Deadline for applications
Students should apply before 23 February 2025. Notification of acceptance by mid April 2025
Contact: summer@hzdr.de